Spatial Analysis for Smart City Approach: The Case of Beşiktaş-Etiler Neighborhood
Anıl ÇAKIR, Enver Murat KARABABA, Furkan Talha ERDEMİR, Berfin ŞENİK and Elif KUTAY KARAÇOR
While the rapid and intense urbanization processes taking place at the global level are transforming the urban landscape at the same speed, they have led to new policy searches in the spatial context at the stage of solving the increasing needs/problems. In this context, one of the most important approaches that come to the fore is the smart city. This approach, which offers technological solutions to the increasing urban problems of metropolitan cities, also offers important spatial opportunities for the sustainability of the urban landscape. In this study, the current status and potentials of smart city applications at the neighborhood scale were determined by drawing a methodical framework (analysis-synthesis-suggestion) based on the smart city concept and containing urban landscape planning goals and objectives in the example of Etiler Neighborhood, which is a part of Beşiktaş district in Istanbul. In the proposal phase, some spatial suggestions were made at the neighborhood scale based on the situations determined in the analysis and synthesis phase. In this direction, smart city targets and strategies that will contribute to future urban landscape planning studies have been determined.
Keywords: Urban Landscape Planning, Smart Cities, Neighborhood Scale, Etiler.